Our services
Mental Health services
Heather Ward – Airedale Centre for Mental Health
We are an inpatient ward providing care to females aged 18 – 65 who are experiencing mental health difficulties. Our…
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Ilkley Ward – Moorlands View – Lynfield Mount Hospital
We provide services for people who have a mental health problem and who may have received input from the criminal…
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Learning Disability specialist clinics and further information
If an adult with learning disabilities cannot come to clinic, our specialist team may be able to offer an appointment…
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Little Minds Matter – infant mental health service
We support parents, carers and professionals to help babies get the best possible start in life. We offer therapy and…
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Lynfield Mount Hospital
We are a mental health hospital supporting people with their mental health conditions. We are made up of a number…
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Making work, work – Individual Placement and Support Employment service (IPS)
We are a team of employment specialists who support individuals with enduring mental health needs to find and sustain, paid…
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Maplebeck Ward – Lynfield Mount Hospital
We are an inpatient ward providing care for males aged 18-65 who are experiencing an acute mental illness. Following an…
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Memory Assessment and Treatment services
We offer assessment of your memory, guidance and advice on managing memory problems, the likely cause of your memory problem,…
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Mental Health Support teams (MHST)
The Mental Health Support team provides support to children and young people (school age), school staff, parents, and carers. We…
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