Our services

Learning Disability specialist clinics and further information

Woman having her foot looked at

About the service

If an adult with learning disabilities cannot come to clinic, our specialist team may be able to offer an appointment as a home visit. Specialist clinics are held at Waddiloves Health Centre.

How to access

We are based at Waddiloves Health Centre.

How to find us

Waddiloves Health Centre address
44 Queens Rd

  • Waddiloves building


Telephone 01274 497121

For information on all mental health and wellbeing support services in Bradford and Craven, and self-help resources visit Healthy Minds: www.healthyminds.services.

Use the tabs below to explore this section further.

Specialist clinics include:

Photo of a foot

podiatry clinic will identify any foot problems and support people to keep their feet healthy.

Looking in someone's mouth

dental clinic will identify any problems with teeth, and support people to keep their teeth healthy.

Looking at someone's eyes

An opthalmology clinic will identify any problems with vision, and will help people keep their eyes healthy.

Looking in someone's ear

An audiology clinic will identify any problems with hearing and support people to keep their ears healthy.


Useful documents

Waddiloves Health Centre guide to services– an Easy Read guide about all the services available at Waddiloves Health Centre.

Annual health check – people with learning disabilities should have an Annual Health Check at their GP.  This form gives you more details.

Fact sheet for parents and carers – this form provides Annual Health Check information for parents and carers of children and young adults with learning disabilities.

Top tips for clinicians – tips for clinicians to support children and young adults when accessing an Annual Health Check.

VIP hospital passport – lots of people with learning disabilities have a hospital passport that they use if they go into hospital.  It gives the staff extra information about you, to help them give you the right support. Please print this off and fill it in, so you have it ready if you need to go into hospital.

Going to hospital? top tips – here is some Easy Read advice and tips,  if you need to go into hospital.

If you have a cancer screening booked, here is some helpful information and explainer videos that will show what happens during a screening.

Understanding constipation – an Easy Read booklet on the signs of constipation and how to treat it.

Our Learning Disabilities challenge, has useful links to help people with a learning disability to start, live and age well.

Resources to support people with learning disabilities to have conversations around death and dying

Easy-read cancer screening information

Breast screening – video 1video 2

Easy read breast screening leaflet

Bowel screening – English videovideo with Urdu subtitles 

Cervical screening – English videovideo with Urdu subtitles

Keeping my chest healthy website

Other useful contacts

Social care support – the health support team only provides health support. If you or your family wants information about social care support, such as day care or respite, please contact the Access Point on 01274 435400 who will be able to help.

Advocacy support – Voiceability provides advocacy support to adults with learning disabilities in Bradford and can be contacted on 01274 888017.

Easy Read information about health issues – there are lots of websites which can provide Easy Read information or videos on health conditions. Please try btm or easyheatlh.org.uk for further details.
