Our Trust has achieved national accreditation across the key areas outlined below.  Our chartermarks recoginse that we have met agreed national standards, following an independent assessment.

Mindful employer

Mindful employer logo Mindful Employment is a charter mark for employers who are positive about mental health.

As an employer we recognise that:

  • People who have mental health issues may have experienced discrimination in recruitment and selection procedures. This may discourage them from seeking employment.
  • Whilst some people will acknowledge their experience of mental health issues in a frank and open way, others fear that stigma will jeopardise their chances of getting a job.
  • Given appropriate support, the vast majority of people who have experienced mental ill health continue to work successfully as do many with ongoing issues.

As an employer we aim to:

  • Show a positive and enabling attitude to employees and job applicants with mental health issues. This will include positive statements in local recruitment literature.
  • Ensure that all staff involved in recruitment and selection are briefed on mental health issues and The Equality Act 2010, and given appropriate interview skills.
  • Make it clear in any recruitment or occupational health check that people who have experienced mental health issues will not be discriminated against and that disclosure of a mental health problem will enable both employee and employer to assess and provide the right level of support or adjustment.
  • Not make assumptions that a person with a mental health problem will be more vulnerable to workplace stress or take more time off than any other employee or job applicant.
  • Provide non-judgemental and proactive support to individual staff who experience mental health issues.
  • Ensure all line managers have information and training about managing mental health in the workplace.

Visit the Mindful Employer website for further information.

Positive about disabled people


We have a positive attitude towards job applications from disabled people.

As an employer we aim to:

  • To interview all disabled applicants who meet the minimum criteria for a job vacancy and to consider them on their abilities.
  • To discuss with disabled employees, at any time but at least once a year, what both parties can do to make sure disabled employees can develop and use their abilities.
  • To make every effort when employees become disabled to make sure they stay in employment.
  • To take action to ensure that all employees develop the appropriate level of disability awareness needed to make these commitments work.

Find out more information about our positive about disabled people symbol.

NHS Rainbow Badge Scheme

As part of our commitment to being a diverse and inclusive employer and care provider, we signed up to the national rainbow badge scheme in October 2019.

The badge is a special rainbow edition of the NHS logo. Badges are handed to NHS staff who have pledged to reduce inequalities and provide support and signposting to LGBT+ people. By signing up, we are showing that our Trust offers open, non-judgmental and inclusive support and care for all, regardless of how people identify themselves.



Menopause Friendly Accreditation

We have been independently accredited as a menopause friendly employer.

We are incredibly proud to announce that we have been awarded the Menopause Friendly Workplace Accreditation. We worked together with other organisations across the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership to support our workforce, raise awareness around menopause and to stamp out the taboo and stigma that exists.

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