Work experience
Our work experience offer is shared with these schools and colleges directly during specific months of the year in line with their curriculum
For more details please email
Find out more about the opportunities across our services, professional groups and occupations:
- 0-19 services
- A career in clinical psychology
- Allied health professional support workforce
- Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS
- Children in Care Leaving Care and Youth Justice team
- Community nursing
- Continence
- Estates and facilities
- Falls prevention
- Healthcare courses at University of Leeds
- Learning disability nursing psychology
- Mental health nursing
- Occupational therapy
- Occupational therapy and physiotherapy – learning disability services
- Podiatry in the NHS
- Research and development and library services
- Safeguarding
- School immunisation team
- Shared experience of being a student nurse
- Social work development team
- Speech and language therapy
- Step into the early intervention and future focus team
- Tissue viability services and pressure ulcer prevention
If you are interested in work experience (clinical and non-clinical) then please contact