Staff at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust are highly motivated at work and have high levels of engagement, according to this year’s national NHS staff survey published today (23 February).

The award-winning Care Trust out-performed other combined mental health, learning disability and community organisations in both areas, alongside staff feeling able to make improvements at work.  The Trust also performed above average in five other areas including staff having an appraisal in the last 12 months and opportunities for flexible working.

This year, more of the Care Trust’s staff (51 per cent) completed the independent survey run by the Picker Institute that asks all NHS staff for their views about working in their Trust.  Compared to 2014, Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust has improved its scores in four areas, including fewer staff experiencing work related stress.

The survey also identified areas where the Trust did less well, including opportunities for career progression and promotion.

Sandra Knight, Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Our staff are brilliant and they work hard to deliver the best possible care for our patients and their families.  It’s great to see such positive feedback on a number of areas, particularly on staff recommending our Trust as a place to work and to get care.  We will continue to do everything we can to support the health and well-being of our workforce, which in turn leads to great outcomes for those we serve. ”

“Over the next twelve months, we’ll be building on this and looking at areas that we want to develop further, for example ensuring that staff have increased access to a wide range of opportunities to support career development.”

All of the Care Trust’s 2,800 staff, across its mental health, learning disability and community services, were invited to complete the survey in 2015.

Individual teams across the organisation are now developing local action plans based on their staff feedback.