
The Tissue Viability service is made up of a team of specialist nurses supported by associate nurses. We are a community-based service that covers Bradford, Airedale/Wharfedale, Craven, Settle and Bentham and are here to support all health care professionals, patients, carers and family who require tissue viability support, advice and/or treatment. We also offer bespoke support and training to clinicians which allows our specialist nurses and associate nurses to work in a specific locality, strengthening communication between services.

Please see the tabs at the bottom of this page for a range of useful advice on pressure ulcers. Healthcare professionals can also access our tissue viability wound formulary here.


You can contact the Tissue Viability team on 01274 221168 from 8.00am-5.00pm Monday -Friday, excluding bank holidays.

If you need to speak to a nurse urgently but do not need treatment in A&E, you can call the Single Point of Contact Duty Nurse on 01274 256131 any time.


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