Specialist clinics – Learning Disability services
Specialist clinics are held at Waddiloves Health Centre | |
Waddiloves Health Centre address is 44 Queens Rd Bradford BD8 7BT |
Telephone 01274 497121 | |
A podiatry clinic will identify any foot problems and support people to keep their feet healthy. | |
A dental clinic will identify any problems with teeth, and support people to keep their teeth healthy. | |
An opthalmology clinic will identify any problems with vision, and will help people keep their eyes healthy. | |
An audiology clinic will identify any problems with hearing and support people to keep their ears healthy. |
If an adult with learning disabilities cannot come to clinic, our specialist team may be able to offer an appointment as a home visit. |
For information on all mental health and wellbeing support services in Bradford and Craven, and self-help resources visit Healthy Minds: www.healthyminds.services.