
The Homeless and New Arrivals Health team are a primary care multi-disciplinary health team which includes Mental Health Practitioners, Nurses and a Specialist Support Worker.

We are an outreach team who offer a range of support and services to those in need, this includes:

  • Mental health support
  • Signposting and facilitating access to other appropriate health and support services
  • New entrant Tuberculosis (TB) screening
  • Household assessments


Mental health

  • Those who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or living in unsecure tenure who are experiencing mental health difficulties and Asylum seekers in need of signposting and/or experiencing mental health difficulties.

New entrant TB screening

  • Those who are under 35 years old, who were born in countries with a high burden of TB  and have lived in the UK for less than 5 years.
  • Those seeking asylum whose journey increases their risk of contracting TB.

How to access the service

Referrals are accepted from any source including voluntary, statutory, independent services and GP practices or self-referrals. Via SystmOne, referral form or phone call. For any queries around referrals please feel to call the team to discuss.


Telephone: 01274 227555

To receive the help and support of our team you can self-refer, this means that you can contact the team direct by calling 01274 227 555.

Health, social care professionals or volunteer groups may suggest that the Homeless and New Arrivals Health Team can help you. In this case they can make a referral on your behalf using the online referral form on ‘SystmOne’ (a clinical record), a referral form or by calling 01274 227 555. You can also refer yourself.

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