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Our Future Focus Early Engagement team, formerly known as the At Risk Mental State (ARMS) service, help young people and adults aged 14-35 across Bradford and Airedale who may be having problems and are wanting to access therapy.

People requiring the Future Focus service may be experiencing any of the problems below:

  • Doing less than usual, feeling low in mood, and withdrawing from friends or family.
  • Sudden changes in the way they see things, or people.
  • Feeling suspicious or paranoid.
  • Having unusual beliefs that other people may not share.
  • Hearing or seeing things that other people can’t.

We also offer support to those who:

  • Have a family member (parent or sibling) with experiences of psychosis and;
  • are struggling with their own mental health,
  • are struggling with motivation to do the things they used to do, such as looking after themselves or attending college, university, or work,
  • find it difficult to talk or relate to people, or may feel anxious in social situations.

Opening hours

Our offices are open Monday to Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm. If you need to contact us outside of our opening hours, please leave a message and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible, or please ring  our First Response Service on0800 952 1181 in a crisis.

How can you access this service?

You can refer yourself to the Future Focus team or a family member can also refer you on your behalf by using the telephone numbers below. Referrals to Future Focus are accepted from a variety of health professionals including GPs, nurses and health visitors.

Under 18’s (CAMHS) – 01274 723241

Over 18’s (Early Intervention Hub) – 01274 221021

Where can I see someone from the Future Focus team?

We have two main sites:

  • Early Intervention in Psychosis Culture Fusion. Telephone: 01274 221021
  • Horton Park Health Centre. Telephone: 01274 221021
  • Fieldhead Health Centre.

What does our service offer?

Our service can offer psychological therapy such as CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy) and family interventions. We also offer social support including helping with benefits and housing related issues, or with employment and education needs. We can support people to access additional resources in their community.

Where can I get more information?

If you would like to find out more about the Future Focus team, please contact us using the telephone numbers above to speak to a member of staff or email us at futurefocus@bdct.nhs.uk. Future Focus is a confidential ‘opt-in’ service, this means it is your choice to access support. You can talk to a member of the team for more information.

Here you will find a list of local and national services you may find helpful:

Youth In Mind is a partnership of services supporting 11-19 year old’s in Bradford District and Craven who are struggling with their social, emotional or mental wellbeing. For young people with special educational needs and disabilities they accept referrals up to the age of 25.

Our Early Intervention service specialises in working with people aged 14-65 years old who may be experiencing issues with their mental health. Services include psychological therapies, medical and social interventions designed to meet young people’s needs, and helping them get their lives back on track. Early Intervention service | Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale, Craven | BDCT

Healthy Minds is an easy to use mental health and wellbeing portal for everyone in the Bradford District and Craven, listing a wide range of services available in the Bradford region.

Mind in Bradford  is a local Mind mental health charity. We help people who are struggling with emotional and mental health problems across Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven and help them take control of their mental health. They do this by providing high-quality information and advice, and campaigning to promote and protect good mental health for everyone.

Rethink Mental Illness provide a diverse range of mental health services and life-changing support groups as well as peer support online.

Young Minds – Young Minds is a charity committed to improving the emotional wellbeing and mental health of children and young people and empowering their parents and carers.

Please visit the Royal College of Psychiatrists website to read mental health information in different languages.

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