Our services
Patient advice and complaints (PACS)

About the service
If you have any concerns, complaints or compliments about the Trust’s services, please contact us.
Your feedback will help us make service improvements.
As a Trust, we are committed to learning from people who use our services. Patients, carers and relatives have the right to raise a concern, comment or make a complaint, and to receive a response from our Trust.
We will do whatever we can to make sure that people who use our services are treated properly, promptly and provided with appropriate support.
Telephone: 01274 251440 – messages can be left on the answering machine and will be answered within three working days.
Text relay: we support this service; please dial the prefix 18002 to contact us using this service.
Email: advice.complaints@bdct.nhs.uk
Write to us:
Patient Advice and Complaints team
New Mill,
Victoria Road,
BD18 3LD
Use the tabs below to explore this section further.
Give feedback
Find out how to how to complain. If you would like to contact us, you can email advice.complaints@bdct.nhs.uk or contact us by phone (01274 251440).
If you have any concerns, complaints or compliments about services that are not provided by our Trust, please use the following contact details:
- Bradford Royal Infirmary or St Luke’s Hospital ( Bradford Teaching Hospial’s Foundation Trust Patient Experience Team) – telephone 01274 364810; email patient.experience@bthft.nhs.uk
- Your GP practice – you can speak to the Practice Manager, or you can contact the West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (WYICB) – telephone: 01924 552150, email for concerns/complaints is wyicb.pals@nhs.net; the email for formal complaints is wyicb.pccomplaints@nhs.net
- Airedale General Hospital (PALS and complaints) – telephone 01535 294019; email anhsft.patientadvice@nhs.net
Each month we share compliments that our services, teams and volunteers have received on the Trust’s social media. Look for the hashtag #ThankYouBDCFT, or share yours:
Facebook: BDCFT Facebook page