Foot measurements should be taken in the afternoon or evening, when the foot is at its largest size, wearing the socks usually worn. Measure BOTH feet and use the larger of the two when checking footwear size.

Lay a sheet of paper on the floor.

Have your child stand up to get an accurate measurement for length and width. Place your child’s foot firmly onto the paper and hold the foot still with one hand while your child uses a table or chair to hold onto for balance if necessary.

Make sure your child doesn’t curl their toes. Toddlers often curl their toes when having their feet measured because it tickles.

Draw around the outline of both of your child’s feet on the paper using a pencil. Cut the outline of your child’s feet out of the paper.

Slide the foot shaped piece of paper into the shoe, if the paper curls in length or width this indicates that the shoe may be too small.


Check your child’s feet regularly for redness, blisters or pressure marks. This will help you know when it is time to buy new shoes for your child when they are unable to tell you that shoes are too tight.

Children’s feet grow at a fast rate and shoe size should be re-evaluated at least every 2-3 months. Leave room to grow in your child’s shoe as children’s shoes can be expensive.

Consult a podiatrist for advice

The podiatry administration office can be contacted on 01274 221165.

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