Nominations open for Care Trust Governor elections

Posted: 13 February 2024

Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust is encouraging local people in Bradford, Airedale,Photo of Dr Linda Patterson Wharfedale and Craven to nominate themselves in their Governor elections.

The nominations are an opportunity for members of the public, who are also Trust members, to put themselves forward for a seat on the Care Trust’s Council of Governors, to represent their  community’s views.

The Trust is seeking nominations for eleven seats this year from seven constituencies across the district, with three in Bradford East, two Bradford South, two in Bradford West and one each in Craven, Shipley and Keighley, and one seat representing the Rest of England.

Governors play a key role in the Trust as the voice of their communities. The Council of Governors represents the views of local people for the Trust Board, and influence Board decisions.

Dr Linda Patterson, Chair of Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust, said: “Our governors have an important and influential role. They representative the voice of their communities and make a valuable contribution to the Trust’s work.

Nominations are now open for our latest governor elections. I’d urge anyone that has been thinking about doing something that makes a difference for local people, or seeking opportunities to develop their skills, to come forward. The role of a Foundation Trust Governor could be for you.”

To apply for the role of Governor, members of the public must first be members of Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust. Membership is free and people can complete a simple membership form online. All members will receive invitations to healthcare talks and events and are eligible to vote in the Trust’s Governor elections.

Members of the Trust who are interested in becoming a Governor should complete and submit a nomination form before Monday 11 March at

For further information about being a Governor, people can contact the Trust’s membership office on 07385463946 or Further information about the Council of Governors can be found on the Trust website at