Board sub-committees

The Board of Directors has a number of decision-making groups that review the Trust’s processes to agree our strategy and policies, and authorise decisions. Each decision-making group has a ‘terms of reference’ which outline how the group should operate and who should be involved.
Our decision-making groups – our committees – and terms of reference are listed below.
The Audit Committee
The Committee looks at the Trust’s systems of internal control and ensures our assurance frameworks are right. It provides the Board of Directors with an independent and objective review of financial and corporate governance, risk management, and external and internal audit programmes. The committee is responsible for making sure the Trust is well governed.See the Terms of Reference.
The Charitable Funds Committee
This governs the Trust’s charitable activities and assures that they comply with the law and regulations set by the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales. The Board of Directors is responsible for this area, but this committee looks in detail at charitable matters and works with the Charity Commissioners when necessary. See the Terms of Reference.
The Finance and Performance Committee
This group ooks at the Trust’s financial and business planning, focusing on financial reporting and monitoring, and future commercial investment priorities. See the Terms of Reference.
The Mental Health Legislation Committee (MHLC)
This looks at whether the Trust’s processes around mental health legislation are right. It has a wide membership which includes Non-Executive and Executive Directors, hospital managers, senior clinicians and service user and carer representatives. See the Terms of Reference.
The Quality and Safety Committee (QSC)
This Committee has a duty to ensure that the Trust is providing high quality safe services. It seeks assurance on a range of quality and safety issues and identifies and shares good practice. Where required, actions are taken to make sure our services continue to improve. The QSC oversees these actions. See the Terms of Reference.
The People and Culture Committee
This is underpinned by the Trust’s People Development strategy and the strategy’s five supporting priorities are the Committee’s focus for the annual work plan. The Committee covers topics on staff engagement; recruitment and retention; talent management; leadership and management development; and diversity and inclusion. See the Terms of Reference.
Role of the sub-committees
The sub-committees are chaired by a Non-Executive Director.
The Chair of each Sub-Committee produces an ‘alert, advise, assure’ report for the upcoming Board of Directors meeting to report to the Trust Board:
- Alert: To alert and escalate any issues that need further discussion or action.
- Advise: To advise Board members of any issues that may require further monitoring over a period of time.
- Assure: To assure Board members on positive news on performance and best practice, or to celebrate the work of the committee, and to summarise any risks discussed or newly identified.
Each report seeks to assure the Board on the main items discussed by the Committee and, if necessary, escalate to the Board any matters of concern or urgent business which the Committee is unable to conclude.
The Board may then decide to give direction to the Committee on how the matter should be taken forward, or it may agree that the Board retains oversight.
Where the Board wants greater assurance on any areas that are within the remit of the terms of reference of the sub-committee, the Board may ask for these to be looked at in greater detail by the Committee.
Other committees
The Nominations and Remuneration Committee looks at the structure, size and composition of the Board and, where necessary, is responsible for identifying and nominating for appointment candidates at Executive Director level, including the Chief Executive. It also considers and makes decisions on the remuneration and terms of service for the Chief Executive, Executive Directors and Associate Directors who are members of the Board.