Key areas
Click on the links below for more on these key areas. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can make a Freedom of Information request.
For information about our structure, our Board, key documents, constitutional and legal governance, and background information about how we fit within the NHS, see the links below.
- About us.
- Our constitution – a key governance document that we must abide by, including membership, the Council of Governors and Board of Directors.
- Our Board – including the register of Board members’ private interests and how our management structure is organised. The Board is responsible for managing how the Trust operates.
- Our safer staffing levels.
- Council of Governors – we have public, staff and appointed Governors.
- Better Lives charity – the official charity of Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust.
For financial information on projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts, see below:
- The annual report and accounts – for previous years.
- The expenditure reports for our Trust board – for previous years.
For information about our strategy, performance, plans, assessments, inspections and reviews, see below.
- Quality of patient environment – see our PLACE results.
- Performance reports – see our Board papers for the latest reports.
For information about our policies, decision-making processes and consultations, see below:
- Our Board.
- Board sub-committees.
- Public consultations – we have a duty to ask for your views if our proposals or decisions will affect your services, or how your service works; the legal duty is under section 242 (1b) of the NHS Act 2006. Currently we have no public consultations.
We have written protocols for delivering our activity and responsibilities and these are outlined in policies and procedures.
If you would like to request a policy or strategy for one of the following services or areas, please make a Freedom of Information request:
- Clinical policies, procedures and strategies.
- Communications policies and strategies.
- Estates and facilities policies and strategies.
- Finance policies and strategies.
- Human resources policies and strategies.
- Learning from deaths policy.
- Mental Health Act policies and strategies.
- Quality and governance policies, procedures and strategies.
- Our information governance and records management and IT policies and strategies.
See below for information held in registers that are required by law, and other lists and registers about the functions of the authority:
- The registers of Board members and Council of Governors’ private interests.
- Declarations of interest register – these may include gifts, hospitality, outside employment, clinical private practice and donations.
For information about how we make decisions, see our Trust Board and its decision making groups.
See about us for an overview of our range of services, or see our services for detailed information about individual services.
For latest news and updates on services see news.