Members of the public from across Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven are invited to join governors and senior staff members at Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust’s Annual Members Meeting on Tuesday 10 September, 9.30am – 1.30pm at Bradford City Football Club.

The event provides an opportunity for members of the public to meet their local appointed governors from partner organisations and speak to staff members from services across the Trust. These areas include learning disabilities, mental health, community healthcare and children’s services. The public will be able to learn more about the work these services do in the organisation’s hospitals and local communities.

Attendees will also learn more about the Trust’s current financial position, its achievements over the last 12 months and its plans for the year ahead and its future vision. In line with the Trust’s new strategic framework ‘better lives, together’, the meeting will be a valuable opportunity for people to put their own questions to the Trust Board of Directors and give their views about Trust services.

The meeting will also be a fantastic opportunity to meet the Chair designate, Cathy Elliott, who joins the Trust in September and has a wealth of experience leading projects and networks to transform the lives of local communities. She was recently featured in a Cabinet Office report case study (Public Appointments Diversity Action Plan 2019) about the Aspirant Chair Programme; a scheme which makes a conscious effort to recruit more Chairs from ethnic minorities and women. The Board of Directors will answer questions from the public at the end of the meeting, which can be submitted in advance to the Membership Office or posed on the day.

The event will also host a ‘Care Trust Marketplace’, with a number of stalls showcasing Trust services and initiatives, providing attendees with more information about what each team does to support or deliver quality care to the community, including carers. There will also be a chance to watch videos and take part in quizzes and other interactive activities.

Paul Hogg, the Trust’s Director of Corporate Affairs, said: “Our annual members’ meeting is a chance for people in our communities to speak to staff and governors from the Trust. We welcome anyone who has an interest in how we deliver our services, whether they are currently using our services or not, to come along, ask questions, and learn more about the work we do.”

The event will take place in the Hendrie and McCall Suite, at Bradford City Football Club, Valley Parade, BD8 7DY, on Tuesday 10 September, 9.30am to 1.30pm. People wishing to attend can book a place, or submit a question to the Trust Board, by emailing or calling 01274 363544.  For those that cannot attend, responses to any questions raised will be published at after the event.