Elderly hands holding walking stick


We are a specialist team who provide expert knowledge in falls prevention, really understanding the importance of how much time we spend with our patients – offering a ‘golden hour’ in falls assessment, strength and balance for people at risk of falls.

Our aim is to promote independent living, reduce the risk of falls and enable people to reach their full potential.

We provide advice and support to services across Bradford and Airedale to reduce and prevent falls. We work in conjunction with ongoing research and form innovative partnerships with various organisations including West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service. We offer falls awareness training and attend community groups where we provide practical falls prevention advice and information.


Telephone: 01274 251330

Email: fallsteam@bdct.nhs.uk

Who is this service for?

This service is for anyone over the age of 60, living in Bradford and Airedale, who is at risk of falling.

How can I access this service?

You can access this service through a referral made by your GP or any other health or social care professional.

Where can I access this service?

All elements of this service are available in Bradford and Airedale.

Avoid falling in the winter months.

Sharon Bond, Falls Co-ordinator shares her top tips to help you avoid falling in the winter months:

1) If you don’t need to go out in the snow and ice don’t.

2) Wrap up warm, wear a hat and scarf.

3) Wear gloves so you ca keep your hands out of your pockets to help with your balance.

4) Keep your vision sharp, wear your glasses to see clearly.

5) Wear sturdy footwear with a good grip.

6) Choose a well-lit route, avoid icy places out of the sun.

7) Walk slowly, consciously and alert that you could slip on ice.

8) Avoid carrying heavy loads that may cause you to become off balance.

9) Remove snow immediately frequently applying grip to prevent ice patches.

10) Ask for help.

You can watch a short video clip of Sharon sharing her tips.

We have more tips tips from a range of NHS health professionals to help you stay well this winter. 

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