Support for carers
We work closely with people who are caring for loved ones or family members, who are receiving services from Bradford Disctric Care NHS Foundation Trust.
Carers are involved in our work in many ways, from helping to shape our services and getting involved in key Trust groups, to getting advice and support. See our promise to carers.
Who is a carer?
Do you provide help and support to somebody who may struggle to manage because of frailty, illness or disability? This person may be your child, spouse, another relative or friend. The help may include personal care, managing medication, cooking, shopping, housework and giving emotional support. If you do any of these things, you may be identified by professionals, as a carer.
Our carer service
We are here to help you. If you need further information, please contact us:
- Email – Carer@bdct.nhs.uk
- Phone – 01274 228298
- Facebook @BDCFT_YourVoice
- X @BDCFT_YourVoice
Give feedback
If you have feedback about Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Tust’s services, fill out the carer survey.
What to expect when using our services
If you are a carer, this document provide information on what you can expect when your loved one uses our services, and what support is offered to both the service to them and the carer.
Our Well Together hub
The Well Together service runs the Carer Hub and works with our Patient and Carer Experience and Involvement team (PCEI team) to provide a bespoke and personal service to our carers.
The Well Together Hub is located at Horton Park Medical Practice, 99 Horton Park Avenue, BD7 3EG.
The PCEI team runs carer drop-in sessions at the Hub, a chance for carers to have a break and chat with other carers about your experiences or get advice on where you can get further support to help you, or just somewhere to relax and play games. The sessions run every other Monday (excluding Bank Holidays). To confirm when the next session will run, please contact the PCEI team on carer@bdct.nhs.uk or call 01274 228298.
For other activities, you can contact the Well Together service. Well Together provides a range of interesting, sociable, health-led activities delivered by dedicated activity volunteers. Their activities are free and run across Bradford, Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven, in wheelchair-accessible venues. If you need more information on what Well Together have to offer, please contact welltogether@bdct.nhs.uk or call 01274 259190.
Triangle of Care – working together with carers
The Trust is pleased to be a member of the Triangle of Care. This is a great opportunity for us to showcase the good work we are doing with our carers and be nationally recognised by being awarded a Triangle of Care kite mark.
The Triangle of Care is a self-assessment process based on the principle that care is made better, by good working relationships and communication between the service user, professionals and carers.
We have been awarded a gold star for our inpatient and crisis services and for phase two of the scheme, which was to assess the needs of people caring for people who use our community mental health services, and to pledge our commitment to improve the service that we provide to carers. This will be followed by phase three, which is an assessment of our adult physical health services.
Useful information
- Carers Resource – Support for Young and Adult Carers – Carers’ Resource (carersresource.org) Bradford- 01274 449660 Craven- 01756 700888
- Making Space – Making Space 07843267954
- Dementia Friendly services – details of support services that might be useful for carers that are also available at the Carers Hub, that cover Bradford East, Bradford South, Bradford West, Keighley and Shipley.
- The NHS website – a range of useful information and advice for carers.
Useful resources
- WYHP Carer Toolkit – provides a range of resources and support for carers and their loved ones.
- Help with carers allowance – ‘Finding your way’
- Practical guide to healthy caring – provides information and advice to carers about staying healthy. It is particularly relevant for carers 65 years or older and those who are new to caring.
- Practical guide to healthy ageing – provides information and advice to help improve the health and fitness of people of any age, but is particularly relevant for people aged 70 years or older.